Thursday, May 21, 2009

And, how are you doing??

OK, now, go back and read the title again, but this time, channel Joey Tribiani (from Friends) as you say it :-) ... much more fun, right? And I'm doing fine too, thanks for asking! Lots going on.

First check out the recent picture of our local Rescue Hero, also known as DH, as we relocated a fawn (or, for those of us, city folks, a baby deer). It happened earlier this week. Our baby girl went outside to ride her bike while mamacita was getting dinner ready. Soon, she's back ringing the door bell like crazy. As much as I hated to be parted from my chopping and dicing pre-dinner ritual, I had to go see what was so important. She's yelling "It's a baby deer, right in our front yard", and I'm thinking, yeah, right. But still, since this was right before DH bought his riding lawn mower, I thought, quite possibly, a very small fawn could be hiding right where she was pointing. And, OMG, there it was!!! Check out the pic! Cutest little thing!

But, as the kids approached it, it tried to run away and it fell on its legs. I was afraid it was sick so I ran inside to call the vet, who was nice enough to inform me that this is the time of the year they're having babies, so it probably was a day or two old and still getting used to its legs. So, we summoned our local Rescue Hero who, at the vet's recommendation, transport it to a secluded area on the back of our property where it could wait for its mama. Whenever we see them, usually 3 or 4 at a time, they always come from that area, so we figured the chances were good that his mama would literally run into him. The next morning, before the kids went to school, we marched back there to check on him, and he was gone. Hopefully (as I saw no signs of blood anywhere) they found each other. I told the kids that we now need to watch for a group of them with a baby in tow... Too precious for words!

Then, today, Thursday, was my first Jazzercise monitoring -- Yikes!! It's great that they keep tabs on instructors to make sure they're the quality people they want teaching, but my, oh my, it's nerve wrecking!! This first time, they actually tell you when they're coming so you can prepare as much as possible. After that, once a year, whenever they feel like it, they show up and you better be ready. And, I'm very proud to say that I passed with flying colors!!! Yeah!!!! The monitoring lady's official comment was that I was born to do this!! Who'd have thought?! OK, maybe some of you :-) Boy, that's a nice feeling! Definitely worth it waking up at 6 am to practice :-)

Now, that this portion is done and over with, it's time to learn some more new routines. Feel free to come to my class anytime!! I hear it's a blast!!

1 comment:

she said...

sweet deer story!!! And about Jazzercise - the new music pretty much sucks in my opinion!!!