Monday, February 1, 2010

Something out of the bucket list

You've all heard that as you get older people start looking a little more deeply into their bucket list. You know, things you'd like to cross off your list before you kick the bucket. Well, I haven't put too much thought into my bucket list, but this is definitely something to have crossed off said list: I have now performed at a professional basketball team half-time show! Me and about 150 of my Jazzercise pals (about half instructors and half students) performed at the Milwaukee's Bucks' game two weeks ago. I'll add the link below and you can watch the 4 minute performance. For the first 3 minutes I'm facing the opposite side of the camera, but we switch sides for the last minute. See if you can find! Hint: I'm wearing a red shirt :-)

Go ahead, and start pondering: what's in your bucket list? It's never too early or too late to start!

1 comment:

she said...

More power to ya Acsa! thanks for sharing.