Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back from Brazil

Yes, we did go to Brazil this year for two weeks. We usually go every other year, but, much to my surprise, between celebrating our 10th anniversary in Hawaii (2007), moving to Wisconsin (2008), and putting in an underground pool (2009), it had actually been 5 years since we'd gone there.

So, my game plan was to do as much as possible of the following: drink Antartica Malzibier (awesome dark beer), caipirinha (the national Brazilian drink), cafezinho (espresso) and green coconut water; visit friends and family; get a Brazilian wax (ouch - like labor, it's the kind of pain you forget) and stay out late. All of that accomplished, we came back with 25 lbs of Brazilian gold (OK, it's really just coffee, but in my book, as good as gold :-), 4 bottles of Brazilian cachaca (rum), and sadly, no new underwear as I had just found a stash from the last trip that still had the tags on.

Now, here's something new I did while in Brazil: Brazilians do not do high school/college reunions as a whole. Some people go get together with the old gang, so to speak, but it's not really a tradition. So, about two months before we went, I got an email from the last boyfriend I dated before leaving the country. I was shocked, to say the least, as we had pretty much lost contact over the years although we still had friends in common that I kept up with. In all the 22 years I've been gone, we've traded one Christmas email and a condolence note when his father passed away. Anyway, the old beau was suggesting a reunion of the old gang, which was pretty much comprised of the people we knew from church when we were dating.

We all met at a pizza place, about 26 came, including some of their kids. The old beau came with the wife and two kids, one of which is in his first year of law school! I was really touched that he (and his family) actually drove 8 hours from their current town to mine just for this reunion. I can't help but wonder what an interesting conversation that must have been when he talked his wife into coming... Anyway, through his somewhat conversational English, he and DH talked for a while. It was nice to see him and know that he and his family are doing well. When we parted, he suggested that we do another reunion next time I go, but this time closer to his town. Although I'd love to do it, honestly, I'm not sure I'm up for traveling not even half way. After all, my family and I have already traveled pretty far just to get to my hometown. I know it sounds selfish, but if you ever drove on Brazilian roads, you'd understand my reluctance. I know they do it everyday but I've been spoiled by the American road system and way of travel - sue me!

Time has passed on both sides of the hemisphere. We've all grown and matured, and some, have developed new facets to our personalities that are both good and bad (depending on who's talking). I was both touched and disappointed in some situations we encountered. No doubt, I've both surprised and disappointed some of them too. Overall, it was a good trip. Certainly more for me than for DH, who was such a trooper taking care of the kids more than ever, so I could have more time with friends I haven't seen in so long. I'm sure he's one of the runner-ups for the "Hubby of the Year" award. I love him - I think I'm gonna keep him!!

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