Thursday, August 27, 2009

What if success is just getting the wash into the dryer before mildew sets in?

No, despite all my cleverness, I have to admit that I did not come up with that little quote on my own (I borrowed it from a frame I bought at the Hallmark store). But it really hit home for me the point that not every person has to have lofty goals to feel like they accomplish something worthwhile each day.

For some, performing brain surgery on a patient and having that patient survive is their measure of success, as it should be. For others, just having the kids changed, fed, managing to get a bite to eat in the middle of all that (perhaps a shower too), and maybe, just maybe, a load of laundry done, is their perfect measure of success for the day. Throw in an hour of Jazzercise, and you really had a good day :-)

So, with that in mind, I’d like to encourage you to keep your spirits up and hurry to the dryer before mildew sets in! Then, pat yourself on the back knowing that it’s been a good day! And remember, just like Red Green, I’m pulling for you!

PS.: this was another short little article I wrote for my Twins Club a while back.


she said...

I have definitely been there. In fact, I may need to go check the washer now!

Unknown said...

Hey Acsa - finally found the link to your blog. How are you guys doing? Things are good here. Ken is doing well. We miss you. Love your new grand piano. Hugs-Anita

Mary Beth said...

Your post totally made me laugh! This is pure fun to read. Thanks for the encouragement. I finally have a few new postings, too. Mildew in my life has been plentiful!

beach momma said...

I have many, many days, weeks, months, whatever just like this! Thanks for giving me a smile!