Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why Toasted Frozen Tundra?

Hello, friends! After being told repeatedly that I should really create a blog to communicate with all my buddies, I decided that, not having anything better to do till our moving truck gets here (more on that later), I might as well start writing. It's fun for me, helps pass the time and the only TV available in the house has been commandeered by the twins on behalf of Sponge Bob Square Pants...

So, in a nutshell, after living in Texas for 17 years, my family and I have moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where dear husband Randy has taken a new job. My boy and my girl, now 8 years old, are loving staying at our dear friend Kittie's house. She lives in this 35 acre property, in this big house and very graciously offered to have us move in with her while we look for a house to buy. She travels a lot for work and is barely here so she's enjoying the company (or so she tells me :-). Till school starts on September 2nd, Dorian and Madison are enjoying spotting deer, catching frogs in a jar and satellite TV whenever possible. As soon as Kittie gets back, we're roasting smores by the fireplace outside.... Yum!!!

Our 1 yr old black cat, Truman, has also made the move up here with us (he was kind of made officially part of the family when we had one of those electronic chips implanted in him). Truman's adopted mom, Nicole, my neighbor in Texas who used to baby sit him whenever we traveled out of town (he also spent most nights at her place for a long while) was concerned that being loose in a 35 acre space he might get lost in the woods and we might never see him again. So, heeding her concern, the kids and I took him on a supervised walk a couple of times on the first day and then just let him on his own. He has adapted beautifully. He spends the day sleeping away (mostly on the foot of our bed - yeah, I know I'm eating my words about letting a cat in the house now) and then, usually around 3 am or so (isn't he a dear?!) he meows to be let out. By morning, when Randy is leaving for work, he's waiting by the front door to get back inside - sometimes with a token of his appreciation (a dead field mouse) sometimes not.

So, as a way of introduction, here's the reason for the "Toasted Frozen Tundra" name for my blog: after toasting our cutie-patouties (sp??) in Texas for so long, we've now moved to Wisconsin where said patouties will in short order be frozen as winter looms in the horizon (or so the locals tell me).

Pardon my blunders as I'm new in the blog world. Catch you later (I think Sponge Bob is finally over!!!!).



Mary Beth said...

Yeah, you did it! I have added your blog to my blog so I will always know when you have posted. You are in our prayers. My blog is:

mamashine said...

Hi Acsa! Welcome to blogland! I'm so glad you have a blog now. I know you and your little dog will be very happy here.... :) where did he go?

she said...

You rock, Acsa! I'm so psyched about doing my own blog now I can't stand it. Except I can't name myself and I have nothing to write about :(

Marcella said...

Hi, crazy cousin!!!!!!
This is sooo you and I´ll come here often just to read your writings, ok!!??
Love yaaaaaaaaaaaa

steph said...

Acsa! Great to read you! I linked through MB's blog. You'll find my address on hers. So glad we can keep in touch this way.

Kelly Kidd said...

You are so good....I don't blog but might start and reading yours and MB's but not sure that I can do it! Anyway, I'm glad you are doing this....I always need a good laugh! Love and miss you! Kelly

Susu said...

Hi Acsa--WOW!! What news! I can't believe you moved to the great white north! I will try and keep up with your blog! Good luck with the new house and school!