Friday, December 19, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow....

And yes, we got plenty!! Just about up to my knees - yikes! What have I done moving up here???? And before you go making wise cracks about it not being too difficult to snow up to my knees (in reference to my vertically challenged physique), I'll have you know that I've been told by none other than a medical professional, that for a short person, I mean, vertically challenged person, I have surprisingly long legs. So, there!

Well, it hasn't been all that bad. Then again, I don't have to drive anywhere to go to work, right? Today, DH left his car home and took the SUV because it has 4-wheel drive. The kids' school got canceled and they were very sad (mainly because this being the last day before Christmas break, they were supposed to have their Christmas party today which included a Secret Santa exchange).... So, cabin fever time! Baby girl is all for going sledding again outside but Baby boy has a nasty little cough at the moment and is not inclined to venture out, even as pretty and inviting as the yard looks from my patio door. It's a good thing they took their brand new sleds to a park nearby last week and had a blast! Hopefully that will hold them over till, in another few days, both kids will be up for some snowball fight. I can't wait... he, he, he!!!

Meanwhile, DH was told (by me) to go get his early Christmas present last week: a brand new, shiny red snow blower! How did I know, right? Well, I got tired of the neighbor offering him her snow blower (and no, that's not code for anything else - get your minds out of the gutter already! :-), him not taking it because he was afraid it would break in his hands, while freezing his cutie patoutie out there shoveling our long driveway. He finally took me up on the offer and got it. I'm sure he thanked me for my insight this morning when he had to use said snow blower to get out of the driveway..... After all, if nothing else, I am known to be a thoughtful person :-) But really, I'm loving it so far. The natives tell me that by February they are so sick and tired of all this snow mess, but this being our first winter here, like I said, so far, it's all fun and games.

Did I mention that I finally gave in and decided to start training to be a Jazzercise Instructor? They've been hounding me since Texas, but I never felt motivated enough to welcome the added responsibility. I enjoyed the freedom of just going and having fun too much to feel inclined to turn it into a job. Now, not knowing too many people and having nothing better to do with my time (well, there's always house work & other little projects, but that's always gonna be there), I decided to start the training and if all goes well, in mid-February I go in for my certification. I'm loving it, but I've had a problem with my right foot for the last few years (Morton's neuroma) that gets aggravated when I exercise too much. If I can only get past all the heavy training I could possibly just pace myself afterwards, but that's always easier said than done. We'll see. For the time being, DH feels sorry enough for me that I'm cashing in on foot massages every chance he offers to do it. Yeah, I'm shameless, I know, but that seems to be one of my endearing qualities... Let's just go with that!

Stay warm!


she said...

I CANNOT believe you have given in to the instructor bandwagon :) ooh, Rhonda is gonna be mad at you!!!!

Mary Beth said...

I think you would be a GREAT instructor. You have so much pep and go. I think I mentioned that to you when you were in TX (I guess when we both were in TX). I think all that snow would definitely be a shock to the system! Great post as usual. Thanks for an early (too early) laugh this morning as I deal with jet lag here in the U.S.