Friday, October 10, 2008

And like flint, we're in!!

Well, we've been in our new home for a week now. Half of the boxes are gone (I'm pacing myself and spreading the joy - ha!). Wow! I'm really learning to love this place! The fall days are gorgeous and just perfect for the kids to ride their bikes to school. I know it won't last and it will get too cold for that before too long but for the moment we're enjoying it.

On moving day, our friend Kittie, unbeknownst to DH, sent an email to coworkers and 5 guys (including DH's boss) and another sweet girl from work showed up to help us haul all the furniture into the house. I was sooooo thankful for our friend's quick thinking and all I had to do was provide the food & beer. They were done in about 2 hours.

Of course, now that all the furniture is in the house (remember, hind sight is 20/20) I decided that no, I cannot leave with the brown carpet upstairs, and we're on the hunt for the last few days for new carpet. Let's call it my "fix" for not being able to paint the outside of the house yet...

Baby girl is having her first sleep over tonight at her BFF's house who lives a couple of blocks from us. Baby boy already has had playdates and they are both now into the Pokemon trading card fever. Lord, help me. I was actually shocked last Sunday when my door bell rang: through the glass panel I was able to see baby girl's BFF's face who just showed up by herself, on her bike, to see if they could play. I'm so not used to that and it was so cool!

But for those of you who may be under the illusion that this move/transition has all been smoother than a baby's but for me, you'll take heart into knowing that into every sunny day a little rain must fall, and I was definitely caught without my umbrella on our last day living at our friend's house. As I'm loading the car with the last of our boxes to get going to our first night at the new home, the kids were going berserk with anticipation. To get them out of my hair, I told them to go ride their bikes one last time while I finished loading the car. Well, someone misunderstood me (I won't name names) and as she left the house, locked the door behind her. This was 3 pm. As I tried going back in for more boxes and realized what had happened, I was pretty miffed. After we tried every single way back into the house, my self restrain came crashing down and I had a little cry fest. For the next 3 hours, we visited the neighbor to the left, who was not home. Then on our way back, missed the neighbor to the right who was just leaving in his pick up. With my purse inside the house, which contained car keys and cell phone, we were pretty much stucked sitting in the garage. For a while we even road our bikes, then just sat in misery (OK, I was in misery - the kids were playing with rocks!). Finally I saw one of the neighbors get home, around 6:15 pm and said neighbor happened to have, as I was hoping, our friend's number and I was able to find her spare key. I haven't memorized any of DH's new phone numbers yet.

By then, DH who had planned on going straight to the new house, had already left several messages on my cell and on our friend's house phone. He was also on his way to the house fearing that some ax murderer had gotten hold of us. So, yes it could have been worse but don't try telling me that just yet. I'm trying to recover from the trauma still.

Oh, yeah, and we finally got internet installed in the house, and also got a home phone number yesterday. The kids have started piano and guitar back up at a very nice conservatory nearby. My Jazzercize cronies continue to haunt me and, who knows, I might give in sooner or later... Speaking of that, they offer Jazzercize Junior here (for kids) and both my kids decided to try it out for a bit: they're rehearsing some musical number from High School Music to perform at one of the Middle School basketball games in a couple of months! I can't wait!

Catch you all later. I hear boxes calling my name...


Mary Beth said...

Everyone deserves to have a cry fest here and there with all the change you have had!

she said...

Sorry I'm so behind on reading your blog. Congrats for getting yourself locked out, that sounds like fun ;) No, really, congrats on the house!