Sunday, November 9, 2008

In Wisconsin, you "park" in the basement :-) least in the winter.

Let me explain: last night DH and I finally had our first date since moving up here. I know, tell me about it, it was long overdue. Anyway, with the temperatures already falling and in the 30's, and flurries coming down sporadically, we were wondering what to do. The usual dinner and a movie is always a good staple, but really there wasn't any movie I cared to see right now (in another 11 days, Twilight comes out and that's another story). So, as we were leaving the kids asked what we were going to do, so I said, "Well, we're going to dinner and then probably park somewhere." Of course, that went over their heads, as I had hoped.

However, as we were finishing a great dinner, we began to wonder, really, what are we going to do? It's still too early to go home and the kids might still be up. Well, "parking" anywhere at this time of the year can become rather chilly, so DH enticed me to come home with the promise of a foot massage (and he knows I can never say no to that). So, as we crept into the house, we realized both the sitter (our BFF) and the kids were already in bed - yeah! But, although I was pretty sure the sitter was already in la-la land, I could hear whispers coming from the kids' room. So, we grabbed a couple of blankets and the massage oil and headed for the basement where we parked for the next couple of hours. Oh, the simple pleasures in life...

Yes, it may sound rather tame for you wild cats out there, but since moving into our new house, we've been rather busy with all the painting, and shopping for new carpet and hardwood floors. I'm hosting a Cookie Exchange party in early December, so that's what's pushing me into getting the house as finished as possible. As you can imagine, all that activity leaves us as tired as it leaves us a bit cash strapped to do much else.

So, here's a cheer to the simple pleasures in life! Look around and you're bound to find some!


Susu said...

LOL - I was wondering if you had any snow yet???

Mary Beth said...

"Parking" in the basement that's great! hehe