Sunday, September 7, 2008

To clarify...

OK, lest you start passing judgement on Jazzercise, and just assume that it's your old grandma's Jazzercise, I dare you - no, I double dare you to take a class and then think Jazzercise is anything but the coolest most fun way of exercising. I'm telling you: never would have thought an hour of exercising could go by so fast and be so much fun. I encourage you to look them up, find the closest one to your house and give it a try. They usually offer a visitor free class - ask about it.

And speaking of that, Mary Beth asked me what Personal Touch is. It's basically a personal trainer session, but they usually open it up to groups of 5 people or so. Because it's such a small group, the instructor is able to go from person to person and fix your position, making sure you are using the proper muscle groups to get the most benefit out of that particular exercise. It's amazing how many times I thought I was doing it just right, and after PT, realized that I was a bit off the mark. You can always tell you are finally doing it right because your muscles are so much more sore than before!

Oh, I finally figured out how to add a picture to this blog, but as I'm not that savvy yet, it placed the picture of Truman & I at our morning coffee spot at the very end of the log (so you have to scroll all the way down). I know, I need to also add a picture of the new house, but bear with me... baby steps, you know! Have I mentioned that I'm working with limited resources here? From working in a kitchen which does not come equipped with a garlic press or lime squeezer (the horror!!) to having to wait till DH comes home with his laptop to use a dial up connection (because we're in the middle of nowhere and DSL is not available here).

But these things too shall pass (now would be good :-). Oh well, 23 more days and we'll be moving into our new place and then I'll be plenty busy unpacking and finding all the little gadgets I miss so much. Can't wait!


Denise said...

I love the picture. If looks so pretty up there. I am glad to hear things are working out so good. Stay warm.
I miss you.

Mary Beth said...

You don't have to convince me Jazzercise is a great thing....I sure miss it here. I love the picture of you and Truman - can't tell who is enjoying the beautiful view more - you or Truman! I think it would be a refreshing change to have such wide open spaces!

Susu said...

I love the picture too and now am thinking how great it would be to move from the burbs to the country! I have resisted so far but it can't be that bad with that beautiful of a view!! I am enjoying your blog!!

she said...

Ok on the layout page, you can just click on things and rearrange them to the spot you like...

I'm totally backing you on the Jazzercise defense...I always have to say, "I know, I sound like I'm from the 80's..."

cheryl said...

Love your blog. It's like I'm in Wisconsin with you. It sounds like everyone is adjusting and doing great!

We miss you at Texas Jazzercise. I'm glad you found a new Jazzerhome in Wisconsin.