Friday, September 19, 2008

What to do, what to do??

Believe it or not it's back to warmer days here now (go figure - now that I've located the kids' jackets!). They still need it in the morning when it's around 60 degrees but later it warms up to 78... then back cool again in the evenings.

You know, it took a lot of cajoling for me to finally do this blog, but I can see the merits of it now (anytime friends or family wander what we're up to, they can just check out the blog) and also its downfall (it's a very very public diary of sorts so you have to bear that in mind when writing - For the X-rated version go to ha!). Anyway, I'm still learning the ins and outs, only managed to get one picture in there, but once we're installed in our new home in 2 weeks I'll have more time and leisure to work at the computer. Speaking of that, we JUST signed the closing docs on the new place today (this morning)! Kind of exciting!!! I plan on posting a picture later tonight. Check it out! You won't be disappointed... he, he, he!

My kids' school here doesn't have a Volunteer Room like they did back in Texas, but I've already been recruited to assist in the library on occasional Wednesdays. I've been waiting for us to be completely moved into the new house before I can go to the PTA people and suggest something like we had in Texas. You see, they had this room filled with die-cut machines, a laminate machine, a binding machine and all sorts of art supplies. The teachers in the entire school would send any projects they needed help with there and once a week, several volunteer moms would meet there and try to get as much of it done as possible. I've been helping in there ever since the kids started kindergarten, and then this last year I was actually in charge of it. It was a lot of work but also a tremendous amount of fun. This meant that all those cutesy calendars, hearts, and journals that our kids got to work on while learning several different things wasn't entirely on the teachers' shoulders. In my view, it worked great because it left the teachers with more time to do what they're trained for, which is to teach, but it also made it more fun for the kids because they weren't just learning from books and such, but using different tools that capture their interest in a different way. Besides, the stories we got to hear from other moms were just too good. It was such a great way to make friends. One of our volunteer moms turned out to have been Miss Louisiana in 1991. We made her bring the video tape of that and just had a blast watching it (looking good, Christi!).

My new Jazzercise place here is also cool, sort of like a miniature version of the Rec Center in Texas. The ladies are all very nice but there are only 2 instructors teaching. And, wouldn't you know, the first time I had a class with the owner, she comes to me at the end of class and starts on the "You need to be an instructor, girl!" speech. (Rhonda, did you call her?!) I had to laugh! You know, I really would LOVE to be able to do that, and I know I can do it (and do it well) when there's an instructor up there. But I just can't see how I'd manage to remember what arm goes with what routine and how many times, while you're reciting what happened on Desperate Housewives last night and who you kid went to prom with over the weekend! I mean, those girls are multi tasking to the extreme! We'll see. I've been bored enough lately (I'm sure that will change when we start unpacking in 2 weeks) that I'm actually thinking a bit more serious about it.... I'll keep you posted.

I often think of our niece Jennifer when I'm taking the kids to school. Beatrice found us this scenic route that is just beautiful: lots of tree tunnels, lakes, cow pastures and corn fields. Jennifer would be very proud of me - after only 3 days I manage to turn Beatrice off and drive to and from school without her assistance. Of course, my elation at not depending on her for every turn was short lived when last week, I got a little cocky and decided to stop at a supermarket on the way and that took a little more detouring than I thought it should have, so back to work Beatrice goes....

The reason I think of Jennifer is because she used to come visit us in Texas all the time when she had a break from Nursing School (now that she has graduated and joined the work force, her schedule doesn't allow for that kind of freedom anymore). But, coming from a small town in IL, it always amazed that within a few visits she had already figured out where our house and The Galleria Shopping Mall was in relation to the Tollway. I've been visiting DH's family in small town IL for over 10 years now, and whenever I had to go anywhere on my own, he still had to draw me a map of cornfields, cow pastures and any other landmarks (and I use that term loosely) or I'd really be lost. Of course, that is now a thing of the past since Beatrice came into our lives - provided it's not a cloudy day that would obstruct her view from the nearest satellite.

Oh, good news: I'm not going to the library for Internet access anymore. Found this Asian restaurant that has two computers that patrons can use for free and they don't kick you out in 30 minutes... then again, there's only so many egg rolls I can eat per day :-) Catch you later.

1 comment:

she said...

Congrats on the house closing! Sounds like you are finding a place in your new community. I miss you though - we'll think of you tonight at keeno :(